
Invisible Aliens! Use your ultra-violet torch to freeze them in place as you figure out how to get off the ship.
Made with Unreal Engine 4 in 48 hours for Asylum Jam 2015.
This was the first game-jam I'd collaborated on so it was nice to be able to focus solely on the design and programming whilst I had Daniel doing the art for me.
The best piece of design in this prototype would be how the torch can be used for revealing/freezing aliens as well as activating buttons and how it stops the player from walking when in use. These multiple layers give rise to interesting gameplay implications as the player has to ration their time between making progress and defending themselves from invisible threats.
The worst piece of design would be the disconnect between 'why' the player cannot walk and use the torch simultaneously but it's outweighed by the gameplay implications of such a restriction.
I felt like the game had a lot of potential to be developed into something more but due to other ongoing university projects at the time, we never made that happen.